jeezlouisexo: Top 5 Apps For Bloggers

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Top 5 Apps For Bloggers

Hey everyone! Today I'm going to be talking you through some of the apps I've been using that are perfect for bloggers.


This is sort of a new discovery for me, I'd usually use it for pinning stuff like fashion and beauty, but then I made a board specifically for blogging and it's gave me so much inspiration for my future posts and is perfect for anyone just starting out that isn't really sure on what they want to write about.


This is hands down the best app for bloggers. It's usually where I get most of my traffic from and the only trick to Twitter is to stay active. Taking part in blogger chats is a great way to get noticed and I've met some of the nicest people on Twitter so it's also good for making new blogger friends!


An app that I've only just discovered myself, Buffer is used for scheduling posts to your social media. For example, you could have a blog post scheduled for 5pm but you've made plans with friends. You can also schedule tweets to remind everyone on Twitter that your new post just went up! You can also check the analytics of posts and re-buffer things so you can always stay on top of your social media posts.


I am completely obsessed with Instagram, but I definitely need to work on my posting game. I love checking up on friends and other bloggers to see what they're getting up to and when their next post might be up. It's a great way to promote your blog and other social media accounts, but what's also good is you can check the 'explore' page which is tailored to what you've recently liked and will show you more of that, so if you liked a photo of some blog inspo, you'll see more of that!


As much as I love writing things down in my notebook/diary, sometimes I don't have room in my handbag to be carrying them round with me. I've only recently started using Notes to jot down any blog post ideas I might have while I'm out and about, but it's perfect! It's just the bog standard notes app that comes with the iPhone but I find it's ideal for all those times when I need to jot something down but don't have a notebook with me. Plus, I've usually always got my phone in my hand anyway!

So that's my top 5 apps, I imagine there's probably a few good ones I've missed. Let me know in the comments what some of your faves are!

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