jeezlouisexo: October 2016

Saturday, 29 October 2016

October Favourites 2016

Hey everyone! I know that this post is a little bit late but I've just had my new desk delivered and had the joys of trying to build it without having a meltdown. 
*spoiler alert: I'm not insane (yet)* 
Today's post is going to be my monthly favourites from October and it's definitely a mixture of stuff, not just beauty and makeup haha!

The first thing I practically have to put on my favourites list and that is my dog, Dexter! Ross and I adopted him from a local rescue and he's settled in so well! We were originally going to get a puppy but then we realised how nice it would be to give another dog a second chance at a forever home so we couldn't say no! My camera roll on my phone is already full of photos of him too!

Up next, I recently entered a giveaway on Twitter to win the Girls With Attitude Fairytale Brush Collection. I'm sure most bloggers and Youtubers have them, so I was so excited when I found out that I'd won them! They're absolutely stunning and are super soft, I'm not even sure if I'll use them because they're just too pretty to ruin!

Another beauty/makeup item I've been loving this month is the Ultra Contour Kit from Makeup Revolution. I bought the powder version as I'm not too keen on cream contouring just because I have quite oily skin. This contour kit is sooo good, it has 6 matte contour/highlight shades and then 2 shimmer highlighters which are all super pigmented! I think it was only around £8 too which is a steal for such a good product!

After briefly seeing them at Leeds Festival in August, I've been obsessed with Mowbeck's song Talkabout. I'm going to end up getting sick of it soon because I just have it on repeat all day!! If anyone else, like me, is into indie/rock music then I'd definitely recommend checking them out. I can't really compare them to any other band because they have such a different sound to anything I've heard before but they are definitely worth a listen!

The last thing I've been loving this month is the tv show Dexter. I'd never seen it before so when Ross suggested we start watching it, I was very excited. We've just finished Season 1 and I'm pretty sure we watched it all over 2 days. Oops! I know I'm probably really late to the party since it was first released in 2006 but I'm honestly hooked!

That's all for this month's favourites, I hope you enjoyed reading about them. 
What have you been loving this month? 

Thursday, 20 October 2016

The Boyfriend Tag

Hey everyone! Today's post is going to be a little different, I've seen The Boyfriend Tag quite a few times on YouTube so I thought I'd adapt it for my blog. I've also answered some of the questions from both of us. Before we get into the questions, I'd like to introduce my boyfriend, Ross.

Where did we meet? We first met at college, then bumped into each other in a nightclub a couple of years later.

Where was our first date? We never had an official first date.

What was your first impression of me? Him: you seemed really nice and easy to talk to. Me: fairly laidback, good sense of humour.
When did you meet the family? Him: The day we got together. Me: About a week after we got together.
Do I have any weird obsessions, if so - what? Him: Buying makeup, and phone cases, that you'll never use. Me: Having tarantulas as pets, 25 and counting!
How long have we been together? 4 years on Halloween!
Do you have a tradition with your gf/bf? No.
What was our first roadtrip? We went to the beach with a couple of our friends.
What was the first thing you noticed about me? Him: You have a nice bum :) Me: Your shoulders and arms haha!
What is my favourite restaurant? Him: Probably McDonald's! Me: You don't have one.
What do we argue about the most? Him: Who's washing the dishes. Me: You not listening to me!
Who wears the pants in the relationship? Him: Me. Me: Definitely me!
If I am watching tv what am I watching? Him: The Jeremy Kyle Show. Me: Football or wrestling.
What is one food I do not like? Him: Anything healthy. Me: Fruit.
What drink do I order when we go out to eat? Him: Malibu and lemonade, or just a Coke. Me: Strongbow Dark Fruit, Kopparberg, or a Coke.
What size shoe do I wear? Him: 5. Me: 10
What is my favorite kind of sandwich? Him: Chicken Tikka from Subway. Me: Meatball Marinara from Subway.
What is one talent I have? Him: You find the biggest problems in the smallest situations. Me: Leaving rubbish everywhere!!
What would I eat everyday if I could? Him: Pizza. Me: a Big Mac.
What is my favourite cereal? Him: Frosted Shreddies. Me: Weetabix.
What is my favourite music? Him: Rock or Disney depending on your mood. Me: Rock or Indie.
What is my favourite sports team? Him: Liverpool FC. Me: Arsenal FC.
What is my eye colour? Him: Brown. Me: Yours changes all the time!
Who is my best friend? Him: Conor or your mum. Me: Ryan.
What is something you do that I wish you didn't? Him: Nag at me. Me: Ignore me.
Where am I from? Him: Scunthorpe. Me: Also Scunthorpe.
What kind of cake would you bake me on my birthday? Him: Lemon drizzle cake. Me: Warm triple chocolate fudge cake.
Do I play any sports? Him: No. Me: Football.
What can I spend hours doing? Him: Literally nothing. Me: Playing Fifa or watching YouTube videos.
If I could live anywhere, where would it be? Him: Florida, Australia or the Maldives. Me: Scotland.

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Birchbox October 2016

Hey everyone! Today's post is going to be an unboxing of this month's Birchbox. 


At first glance this box has a gorgeous pattern and is designed based on the four elements; earth, wind, air and fire. This also matches up with your starsign so because I'm Aries, I received a fire designed box. I love the drawer design of this box, I think it's super cute and could also be used to store other makeup and beauty bits. Apparently the box is glow in the dark too but I'm yet to test that rumour! I'd also like to apologise for the damage to my box, my dog got hold of it before I got chance to take some nice photos haha!

Whish Renewing Mud Mask

The first item I pulled out of the box is this Whish renewing mud mask. It's an exfoliating mask used to brighten and purify skin. I've always been a big fan of mud masks because I have terrible skin so I will definitely be using this! It's also great for if you're in a rush because you can leave it on for as little as 15 seconds!

Rituals Magic Touch Body Cream

The next product is a rich and nourishing body lotion from Rituals, scented with the japanese flower sakura (cherry blossom). It has a super sweet floral scent which I'm not a big fan of if I'm honest but it's a really smooth lotion. Everyone loves a good body lotion so I will definitely be adding this to my daily routine! 

Doux Me Pure Spring Mist

Up next is this water mist which is designed to refresh dry skin. This product baffled me a little bit because it literally is just a water spray.. I did spritz this over my face to try it and I can't lie, it did make me feel very fresh and awake. This spray is perfect for winter months, when my skin gets really dry and needs all the help it can get! I'll definitely be using this to see if it makes a difference to my skin but it's just water so I probably won't repurchase, unless it can convince me otherwise!

Bodyism Beauty Food Supplement
The next product I pulled out of the box is this food supplement which is made with an all natural blend of vitamins, antioxidants and herbal extracts. It claims to help you to feel your best inside and out, which is perfect if for any reason you can't get the right vitamins in your regular diet. You're supposed to put one full sachet in either a glass of water and a smoothie, once a day. I've only received one full sachet, which is only a day's worth so I probably won't benefit from trying this product.

Lord & Berry Matte Crayon Lipstick
Shade Intimacy

Up next is a product I'm really excited about, it's a lipstick crayon from Lord & Berry, which combines a lipstick and a balm that gives a matte finish. It has a beautiful creamy formula and the shade is gorgeous! Definitely one I'll be wearing during the autumnal months!

Number 4 Restore & Repair Oil

The last product in this month's Birchbox is this hair oil that transforms dull hair to shiny sleek locks. It can be applied to dry or damp hair which is perfect if I'm in a bit of a rush! I've never tried any hair oils before so I'm a little bit sceptical but I'll be trying this out to see if it makes any difference to my hair!

Overall, I'd say I'm very happy with this month's Birchbox. I absolutely love the design of the box and will use all the products, except the food supplement but it's always nice to receieve something different to try out!

Thursday, 6 October 2016

A-Z of Me

I absolutely love posts that show the real person behind the blog, so when I stumbled across this A-Z of me I just had to do it myself! I thought it would be the perfect way for any readers to get to know the real me! So let's get straight into it.

Autumn. Out of all the seasons, Autumn is definitely my favourite. With Winter coming a close second! I love everything about it, the darker makeup, hot chocolate and duvet days and who could forget the woolly jumpers?!

Blogging. Although I had almost a year break from blogging, I am constantly reading other blogs. I find it so relaxing and love to read peoples' opinions on things!

Chocolate. I have a habit of buying loads of chocolate and eating it all at once, instead of saving some for later like most people haha!

Disney. I spend most of my time watching Sky Movies Disney, or singing along to the movie soundtracks. One day, I WILL go to Disneyland!

Emojis. I think I definitely use emojis way too much. Since the iOS10 update, I barely write anything properly now! My most used are probably the cry-laughing face or the heart-eye face.

Friends. Both the friends I have in real life, and the tv show. I don't have a lot of friends but the ones I do have, I know I can rely on. Also, Friends the tv show is one of my favourite shows!

Google. Anyone that knows me knows that I Google literally everything! I'm always the one with useless facts I've remembered from Googling something unnecessary.

Harry Potter. If I'm not watching anything Disney, I'm glued to the tv watching Harry Potter or re-reading the books for the millionth time! It is my all time favourite book/movie series!

Internet. I spend nearly every minute of my life on the Internet whether it be on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram, I'm always online somewhere!

Jewellery. I absolutely love any kind of jewellery, although my collection is only small, I feel like jewellery can either make or break any outfit.

KUWTK. Love them or hate them, the Kardashian/Jenner family are all over social media. Personally, I love them! Kourtney and Kylie are definitely my fave sisters!

Lazy. Most people would agree that I'm a very lazy person in that I'll take any opportunity I can to have a nap! 22 going on 80!

Makeup. I have a slight obsession with makeup, I've definitely got way more than I need and probably have loads of stuff still in the packaging!

Nails. I regularly get my nails done, and feel naked without acrylics on. The only bad thing is I can't have bright colours for work. :(

Obsessive. I have a bad habit of being completely obsessed with something for months to the point where I get sick of it. Unless I'm really interested in something, I just won't bother with it.

Pizza. Another one of my favourite foods is pizza but I don't really rate Domino's or Pizza Hut. Give me a proper greasy pizza anyday, as long as it doesn't have pineapple though because everyone knows pineapple doesn't belong on pizza!

Quotes. I'm constantly on Pinterest looking at cute life quotes and sharing them on my Instagram!

Ross. My boyfriend who I've been with for nearly 4 years! I love him to pieces and can't imagine my life without him even if he is a pain in the bum sometimes haha!

Shopping. I'm a shopaholic, no question about it. When I get paid, I always buy myself stuff that I know I don't need. What is wrong with me?!

Temper. I have a very short temper and constantly have mini breakdowns haha. I hate conflict though and will avoid arguments as much as I can!

Untidy. If I could employ a maid/cleaner then I definitely would. I constantly leave stuff everywhere then complain about having to tidy it up. It's an endless cycle!

Valentine's Day. The only day besides our anniversary where Ross and I will actually show public displays of affection, usually on Facebook but it still counts haha!

Walking. Taking my dog for a walk relaxs me a ridiculous amount. Sometimes it's nice to just walk and appreciate the nature around me.

X-factor. I used to watch x-factor a few years ago but haven't watched it since Simon Cowell left. Even though he's now back, I still don't bother watching it. It's too obvious of a fix nowadays and doesn't make for great TV in my book.

YouTube. What would we do without YouTube? It's such a diverse platform with everything from makeup tutorials to gamers. It's got something for everyone and I love it!

Zoeva. I've been lusting after the Zoeva rose gold makeup brushes for so long! My brush collection will not be complete without them!

So that's the A-Z of me, I hope you enjoyed reading about me. 
What's on your A-Z?