jeezlouisexo: Blogmas Day 14 | The Winterlicious Tag

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Blogmas Day 14 | The Winterlicious Tag

Hello again! Yes, I know I'm doing another tag! I absolutely love reading these and this one is a little bit different to the Christmas Tag so hopefully you enjoy!

Favourite winter nail polish?
I can't wear extravagant nail polish because I work in retail but I'm currently wearing Naked Truth by Avon. It's a lovely brown toned nude and goes with everything!

Favourite winter lip product? 
Winter = chapped lips so I carry a Carmex with me everywhere! But I absolutely love Rimmel 107, it's the perfect wine shade for any winter makeup look.

Most worn winter clothing piece? 
I'd probably have to say my pyjamas to be perfectly honest. As soon as I'm home from work, they're straight on!
Most worn winter accessory? 
I would have to say my scarf, sometimes I'll even wear it inside if I'm feeling a bit chilly!
Favourite winter scent/candle?
 I've been loving Angel's Wings and Cinnamon Stick, both from Yankee Candle. They're both so festive and get me right in the Christmas mood!
Favourite winter beverage? 
It obviously has to be hot chocolate, duh!
All time favourite Christmas/holiday movie?
This is quite a tough question 'cause I love so many but I'd probably have to say The Grinch.
Favourite Christmas/holiday song? 
I don't really think I could name one favourite song, I have so many! You can read here about my top 5 though!
Favourite holiday food/treat? 
This is such a tricky question because I just love food so much haha! Either mince pies or pigs in blankets but it's a close fight!
What is your favourite Christmas decoration this year? 
I have the same Christmas decorations every year and they're just the generic red, gold and green so I can't say I have a favourite.
What’s at the top of your wish list? 
I'd probably have to say an iMac but I doubt I'll get one, which I don't mind as I'm trying to save up for one anyway. 
What are your plans for the holidays this year? 
I'm spending Christmas Day at my parents' house with Dexter while Ross goes to see his family. I'm not sure why but I'm super excited for Christmas this year and I can't wait to spend the day with my family!

I hope you enjoyed reading, I tag anyone that wants to take part. What are your plans for Christmas this year?

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