jeezlouisexo: Blogmas Day 2 | November Favourites 2016

Friday, 2 December 2016

Blogmas Day 2 | November Favourites 2016

Although this isn't very Christmassy, today's post is going to be about my November favourites. I haven't really bought myself anything new this month, which is a surprise because I'm forever buying things I don't need!

The first thing on my favourites this month has to be mince pies. They are, in my opinion, one of the best things about the festive season! As soon as I saw them on sale in shops, I bought some and have probably eaten far too many already! I know they're probably not the healthiest things to snack on but they are just SO good!

The next thing I've been loving this month is actually Twitter chats! I've took part in a couple of blogger chats this month, #tbhchat and #beechat, and both have helped me learn so much about blogging! I don't take part every time there's a chat on but I'd definitely check them out if I were you!

I've been listening to a lot of new music this month, and my favourite band You Me At Six have released a load of songs off their new album. I'm absolutely in love with their new song Give! They've grown so much as a band and I can't wait to see them live again next year!

Something I've recently got into is Pinterest, I could spend hours looking through makeup looks and different nail designs! I'm still trying to get the hang of it but if you'd like to follow me, feel free! My username is jeezlouisexo! 

The last thing on my favourites list this month is the tv show Gotham. It's basically the story of Bruce Wayne before he became Batman, I'm currently halfway through season 3 which is airing in the US. Every episode keeps me on the edge of my seat and I'm constantly waiting impatiently for the next episode! I'd definitely recommend it to anyone who likes any of the Batman movies!

Okay so that's everything on my favourites list for the month of November, I hope you enjoyed! What have you been loving?


  1. I need to join blogger chats more often! I also love Pinterest lately and isn't Gotham awesome!? Season 3is coming soon eeekkkkk!!

    Isobel x

    New post: http://fashionistachic14.blogspot.co.uk/2016/12/fashion-bold-colour-jackets.html?m=1
    Insta: https://www.instagram.com/isobelceline/
    Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/isobelceline
    New Video: https://youtu.be/RqefMiIyfsw
    Bloglovin : https://www.bloglovin.com/blogs/fashionista-chic-12984939

    1. I've only joined in on a couple of chats so far but they're soo good! I've been streaming season 3 from the US and OMG it's got so intense!! x

  2. I lose the track of time when I'm on pinterest... haha but there's a lot of good staff there!!

    I should check Gotham :3



    1. So do I, I could spend all day on it! You definitely should, it's a really great show! x
