jeezlouisexo: Blogmas Day 3 | The Christmas Tag

Saturday, 3 December 2016

Blogmas Day 3 | The Christmas Tag

Hello and welcome to day 3 of blogmas! I stumbled across this tag while looking for some post ideas and I thought it'd be a great way to get everyone into the Christmas spirit. I didn't get tagged by anyone to do this but I'm just gonna go ahead and do it anyway!

What is your favourite Christmas song?
I'd probably have to say Mariah Carey - All I Want For Christmas! Either that or the original Live Aid song!

Is your Christmas tree real or fake?
My Christmas tree is fake, I don't think I'd ever have a real one as I've been told they make loads of mess!

What is the best gift you've ever received?
I bet if you asked me when I was younger, I'd probably say everything haha! I think my favourite gift was definitely the Blackberry phone I got a few years ago.. I'd waited SO long to get it, and could have cried when I opened it haha

Can you name all of Santa's reindeer?
Okay so theres Rudolph (obviously), Prancer, Dancer, Donner, Blitzen, Vixen, Comet, Cupid.. There may be a couple more but I can't remember haha!

Have you ever had a white Christmas?
I think in 2010 it snowed just before Christmas but every year after that it's snowed in like February which is rubbish! I love a white Christmas!

What would be your dream place to visit for Christmas?
I'd love to go to Lapland and see Santa and his elves, I know Santa isn't real but I bet it would be wonderful! I'd also like to spend Christmas in Australia since it's their summer in December, I just can't imagine myself having a barbeque on a beach for dinner!

Where do you usually spend your Christmas?
I'm usually at my parents' house all day on Christmas Day, last year was really strange because it was mine and Ross' first Christmas in our own place

Do you open any presents on Christmas Eve?
Never! I used to leave a mince pie and a glass of milk for Santa and a handful of carrots for his reindeer but my brothers and I were never allowed any presents early.

What made you realise the truth about Santa?
I think a few of my friends at school tried to convince me that he wasn't real, then I saw my parents bringing all the presents downstairs so I didn't really believe anymore.

What holiday traditions are you looking forward to most this year?
I'm just really excited for pigs in blankets on Christmas Day to be honest haha! I'm excited to eat my weight in chocolate and watch all of the Christmas movies!

What is your favourite Christmas movie?
My all time favourite has to be The Grinch, I'm just a bit of a kid at heart I think!

Do you like receiving or giving gifts better?
I LOVE giving gifts, seeing peoples' faces when they open their presents is the best thing ever! I spend so much time planning out what I'm going to buy people to make sure they love their gifts!

I hope you enjoyed reading! I tag anyone reading this that wants to do it! What are you looking forward to most about Christmas?


  1. I'm thinking about doing the Christmas tag hmm yours was lovely!

    This is the first year I got a cute small real christmas tree and definitely I will go to plant it in the mountains on January.



    1. Aww thankyou! You should do it, I'd love to read your answers! x
