jeezlouisexo: 50 Blog Post Ideas

Tuesday, 28 February 2017

50 Blog Post Ideas

Every blogger will experience writers block at some point, myself included. What I've found helpful is not only suggestions from people, but looking through other blogs to get inspiration. Sometimes you'll get the urge to write, but don't know where to even begin. I've put together a list of ideas for beauty and lifestyle posts, for when you want to write but are struggling for inspiration!

1. 50 facts about me
2. a day in the life
3. morning/night routine
4. monthly favourites
5. music playlist post
6. date night ideas
7. makeup tutorial
8. Q&A
9. interview another blogger
10. share some of your favourite blogs
11. write a letter to 10 year old you
12. share recipes
13. host a giveaway
14. birthday/christmas wishlist
15. products from your favourite brand
16. what's in your bag
17. what's in your makeup bag
18. share your workout routine
19. why you started blogging
20. future goals and aspirations
21. makeup collection
22. talk about your pets
23. share your weekend in photos
24. favourite hairstyles
25. book review
26. beauty/life hacks
27. birthday/christmas gift guide for him
28. birthday/christmas gift guide for her
29. DIYs
30. desk tour (or wherever you usually blog)
31. how you take your blog and instagram photos
32. everyday makeup routine
33. seasonal bucket list (post for each season)
34. write about experiences in your life
35. tips for blogging
36. favourite quotes and why
37. subscription box review
38. share your favourite social media accounts
39. do a 30 day challenge
40. outfit of the day
41. share your skincare routine
42. share any travel plans you might have
43. weekly round-up
44. homeware haul
45. makeup haul
46. 'best of' from one brand
47. favourite lipsticks
48. write a letter to yourself in 10 years
49. home/room decor inspiration
50. share your favourite ways to relax

I hope this helps any of you that are struggling with writers block. Let me know if it did help!

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