jeezlouisexo: Coconut Lane Review & Discount Code

Sunday, 5 February 2017

Coconut Lane Review & Discount Code

Hey everyone, today I have a haul for you from Coconut Lane!

"Who are Coconut Lane?" You ask.. Well, Coconut Lane are a relatively new company selling all things classy, sassy and a bit bad-assy, as they like to say. They launched in October 2015 selling everything from iPhone and MacBook cases, to jewellery and wall art. I hadn't heard of them until I first started blogging and now they're everywhere! After having a little snoop on their website, I've picked out a few things and I'm going to review them for you today!

The first item I picked up is this gorgeous gold-plated arrow ring. I was umm-ing and ahh-ing about whether to get this in the rose gold or not, since you can never have enough rose gold but I opted for just normal gold. They also have it in silver so it's perfect for everyone! It's so cute and is adjustable so can be worn as a normal ring or as a midi ring with a few others. I'll probably be wearing this as a midi ring myself but obviously it's all down to personal preference!

To match the arrow ring, I also received the matching bracelet! This is also gold-plated and adjustable which is spot on for those with smaller wrists. I've had to adjust mine a little bit as it was a bit big when I took it out of the packaging but I think it looks super cute and even better with the matching ring!

Something I've seen a lot on my Twitter and Instagram feeds is bloggers with super inspiring wall art and prints, not realising that half of them were from Coconut Lane! I was so spoilt for choice when it came to wall art and it must be popular 'cause half of them were out of stock! I picked out this one that says "I'm a blogger, what's your superpower?" because not only is blogging something I really enjoy doing, but sometimes it can be a lot harder than people think! I'm going to hang this up above my desk to remind myself why I blog!

The last item I received is one that I couldn't miss out on, and it's this jumper that says "pizza is bae" because let's be real, pizza is bae. I chose the jumper in grey with black writing and I'm so happy with it! It's super soft and perfect to wear with leggings on a 'chill day' I can already tell I'm going to wear this to death!

Overall, I'm super happy with everything I received from Coconut Lane. The quality of everything is so good and you'd be a fool to miss out on their products! 
I recently became a Coconut Queen which is their blogger/influencer programme where you receive a discount for yourself and a discount code for your readers/followers. 

If you use the code jeezlouise20 at the checkout, you'll receive 20% off your order (not including postage) Click here to check out their amazing products!

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